Blasphemous is a game of rigorous skills and strong strategy. If you are a beginner then using the right weapons and mastering effective combos can make a really big difference. So if you want to experience fast-paced combat, face challenging enemies, and learn and showcase powerful abilities then this is the game for you. By learning about the best weapons and combos in Blasphemous you will up your game like a pro. Let’s begin:

Mea Culpa

This is the primary weapon, a sword that is a fast, balanced weapon that can be upgraded to deal out more damage and unlock new abilities. It is reliable because of good attack speed and, the option to upgrade to increase the damage and range and also works well for both beginners and advanced players.

You can upgrade it to make it more effective in combat. Such a sacrum adds an extra strike to the basic attack chain. Similarly, the Verdiales increases the power when you hold the attack button. While the weight of sin upgrade helps you break enemy defenses.

Best Combos for Maximum Damage

If you learn these simple combos it will help you defeat enemies faster and avoid taking unnecessary damage. These are a basic combo of a light attack followed by another light attack then going hard with a full hard attack. You can also deploy a Dodge attack i.e. Dodge then quickly attack for a faster counter. Another option is jump slash where you jump and then go for a downward strike to break shields.

Using Prayers for Extra Damage

The prayers are magical abilities that help you greatly in combat. If you are a beginner then you should pray to increase your damage and offer crowd control. Tiento to Your Thorned Hairs offers temporary invincibility, Zarabanda of the Safe Haven enables healing over time, and Taranto to My Sister deals damage to nearby enemies.

Rosary Beads as Weapons

The Rosary Beads provide passive bonuses improving the attack power and defence abilities. These are Knot of Hair which increases melee damage. Heart of the Unnamed Minstrel to boost speed and agility, and Drop of Coagulated Ink which improves the attack range.

Final Words

If you can master the weapons and combos in Blasphemous, it will make you a strong player making the game easier for you. But make sure you are using the right upgrades, practicing simple combos, and utilizing prayers. As a beginner, you will be able to survive longer and defeat the enemies easily.